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Pressbooks allows users to upload certain types of media files for inclusion in their books (i.e. images and small media files). Users of your Pressbooks network may occasionally receive errors when attempting to upload certain file types.

Note: Pressbooks is not designed to function as a file storage platform. If users would like to refer to or provide links to files for demonstration or learning purposes, we generally recommend that they host these files externally and link to them in their books. Youtube, Vimeo and campus-provided media streaming services are good choices for video and large audio files. Cloud storage sites like GitHub, Google Drive, Box, or Dropbox can be used to host non-media files.

Debug File Upload Error Messages

If users on your network attempt to upload a file type which is not permitted to be uploaded on a Pressbooks network, they will see a: “Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons.” error message:

File type is not permitted error

This error will appear when a user attempts to upload media to their book that isn’t included in the list of permitted file types for your network. As a network manager, you can verify the reason why a file wasn’t able to upload by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to Tools > Debug File Validation from the left sidebar menu of the book dashboard
  2. Click Choose File and upload the file that caused the error
  3. Click Upload Debug File Validation upload screen

You will receive an Analysis report that lists out why the file wasn’t accepted. This list may include the following:

  • WordPress will not process this file based on its name
  • This file type is not allowedDebug File Validation report

If you see either of these messages, this means that your Pressbooks network does not permit users to upload this type of file to the network.

Note: If you want to request that users be allowed to upload a file type that is not included in our default list of permitted file types, please email Premium Support. Requests to allow additional file type uploads on Pressbooks networks will be reviewed by our support staff. You will be informed promptly of our decision along with any recommended workarounds if your file type is not permitted to be uploaded for security reasons.


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The Pressbooks Network Manager's Guide by Pressbooks is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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